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String Beans with Pickled Purple Onion

The simply prepared string bean makes for an easy buffet item for large parties – including a Thanksgiving table. They can be prepared a day in advance and reheated just before serving. String beans don’t need to be served piping hot – so take some pressure off and just announce, “I am serving the beans warm because I think hot string beans are garish.” No one will really understand what you mean by that, and that puts you in the power position – and everyone leaves – excited to pull the same stunt on their guests the next time they entertain and serve string beans. Take the rebellion a step further and serve them at room temperature! It is a relief to free yourself from the perception that everything must be served piping hot for large parties. Many dishes – such as green beans – shine in every way – including color and taste – when served warm or at room temperature.


  • 1 lb. green beans
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbs butter
  • Fine quality flaky sea salt
  • ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • ½ cup of pickled red onion

For the pickled onion

  • 1 Purple onion
  • 2 cups white wine vinegar or enough to cover the onions


To make the pickled onion (at least 2 hours before serving the beans)

  • Remove the two ends of the onion, peelk and slice, using a mandoline.
  • Place the sliced onion into a quart container and cover with white wine vinegar. Refrigerate for at least two hours.

Prepare the beans

  • Fill a large pot ¾ full of water, add 2 tsp kosher salt, and bring to a rapid boil.
  • Clean the beans by removing the stem and any brown ends.
  • Prepare a large bowl of ice water and have it nearby for blanching (ice bath) the beans after they are finished cooking.
  • Drop the beans into the rapidly boiling water and cook for 2 or 3 minutes or until just tender. You should test for doneness as they cook by taking one out of the boiling water, using some tongs, and dropping them in the ice bath, and then tasting. They should be just cooked, not crisp – but not mushy. Perfectly in-between those two states.
  • Quickly pull the beans out of the boiling water using tongs or strain them into a colander and then immediately transfer them into the ice bath. Blanching stops the cooking and preserves the bright green color.
  • After they are completely cool, strain them into a colander set into the sink. Shake off excess water, and then toss them onto some dry paper towels laid out on the counter and dry them off a bit more.
  • Place them back into a mixing bowl. Pour the melted butter over the beans and gently toss to coat. The beans can be refrigerated at this point.
  • Before serving, warm them gently on the stovetop, in the microwave, or in the oven. Then, sprinkle with some fine quality flake sea salt, and freshly ground black pepper. Garnish with pickled onion.