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Braised Brussels Sprouts

This is an easy way to prepare Brussels sprouts to accompany many dishes as a green vegetable – which is still green.  There is no browning in this preparation.  A clean preparation, with only a few ingredients – which you can make in minutes.  That is my kind of recipe!  Fast and furious – and in a flash you have something full of vitamins, fiber, and a great verdant addition to any meal.  


  • 1 lb Brussels Sprouts
  • 2 tbs butter
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup water


  • Take any brown exterior leaves off and cut the brown stem side off - discard the waste to the compost bin.
  • In a medium sized skillet, melt the butter of medium heat, then add the spouts, water, salt, and pepper and bring the water to a simmer. Toss the contents around to distribute the seasoning and butter. Then cover the spouts and let cook for a few minutes.
  • Take the cover off and toss again – checking for doneness. If they look bright green and are soft enough for the tip of a knife to go easily through you are ready to lift the lid and continue cooking until all the water has evaporated. Stir frequently as they finish – to avoid any browning in the pan near the end.
  • These can be cooled and then stored in a quart container until mealtime. Reheat in a pan, or in the microwave.