To make shrimp cocktail, you must poach the shrimp and then assemble the sauce. Serve both chilled. Recipes below.

Cocktail Sauce
This is one of the most popular appetizers to serve at a party. The price tag alone makes them appealing. Add to the allure, a potent cocktail sauce - and you have an irresistible treat. So much so, that you might need to ration. I often will announce, "Two each - if you want more - barter with another guest." I have seen people lose all control over a bowl of unattended shrimp. Might be worth posting a guard!
- 1/2 cup chili sauce
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 3 tablespoons horseradish
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
- 3 shakes Worcestershire sauce
Mixing the cocktail sauce
- Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
- Taste and adjust for seasoning. You can't add too much horseradish - if you like your cocktail sauce with eyewatering potency - add more!
- Make the cocktail sauce a few hours ahead and chill in the refrigerator before serving.
Poaching the shrimp
- This should be done early in the day of the party - so they can be properly chilled. Follow my poaching recipe.
- 2 shimp for each guest at a cocktail party - 3 or 4 if you are serving as a first course.
If you are serving shrimp cocktail as a first course - placing the shrimp on a bed of seaweed salad is a very pretty presentation. Garnish with a wedge of lemon and an individual serving of cocktail sauce. Small serving spoons are fun to use - and you can find them at a restaurant supply house.

Poaching shrimp
This is a basic technique which will yield a delicious, tender and moist shrimp for your cocktail hour celebrations.
- 10 dried bay leaves
- 2 tbsp black pepper corns
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 quarts water
- 2 shrimp per guest
Making the poaching "tea"
- Combine the bay leaf, peppercorns and salt into a 4 quart sauce pan with the water.
- Bring this to a boil, then reduce heat and cover.
- Allow the poaching tea to steep - for 10 minutes.
Poaching the shrimp
- Increase the heat on the pan so the water is just below a simmer.
- add the shrimp - all at once and stir to distribute evenly.
- Cook for about 1 minute - making sure you do not let the water come to a boil.
- Test one shrimp - to see that it is "firm" to the touch. They are hot - so be careful.
- Strain immediately - and the distribute the shrimp, and peppercorns and bay leaf on a cooling tray.
- After cool - place them into a storage container, cover and refridgerate.
To serve
- Remove the peppercorns and discard.
- Squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the shrimp and toss to coat.
- Place them in a decorate serving bowl and garnish with another slice of lemon or some parsley.
- Serve with cocktail sauce.
The amount of shrimp you prepare for poaching is adjusted to your guest size. If David and I are having a cocktail hour for 2, then I make 4 shrimp. I believe 2 each is the appropriate amount of shrimp per guest. Large groups will consume more - and some folks will consume more than 2 if you are not passing these as an hors' d'oeuvre. I sometimes announce "There are two per guest - if you want more - you must barter with someone!"